Thursday, August 10, 2006

42 days
I had to post today, y'see, because - it's 42. The answer to "how many days?" is - 42.
In any case, I've been scouring the travel sites to get ideas for comfortable shoes, luggage and how many of this or that to pack. Of course, you know, I'm starting to fret about how Shelden will fare when it comes to food. So far, I think we've found a McDonald's in every city we're vsiting - Erika even confirmed there's a McDonald's in - get this - Assisi!!!!!
I have a dentist appointment tonight and have had soem other dr appointments. I'm planning on being healthy for this trip... I also have a mammogram scheduled and I'm trying to get a colonoscopy scheduled before we go away. The colonoscopy is one of those "over 50, never had one" things. Just can't wait. The prep sheet suggests staying close to a toilet facility while going through the prep.... never mind.


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